Magnolia is one of the most beautiful flowering shrubs. It looks best when planted in a sunny spot, on the lawn or near the house on the southern side. It prefers a sheltered, warm location. It requires not too heavy, fertile, moist, loamy and permeable soil. Its pH should be slightly acidic (pH 5-6).

In our nursery, we produce magnolias only in containers, which guarantees that the plant takes root and makes it possible to plant from March until November.

Planting and watering

It is important to pay special attention not to compress the root ball too tightly during planting, as root damage can cause the entire root system to rot, resulting in the loss of the plant. After setting the magnolia in the appropriate hole, it should be surrounded with loose soil and watered abundantly. Watering is a crucial procedure in the cultivation of these plants, and you should do it in a way that prevents the soil around the plant from drying out. This is particularly important during the months from May to July.

Maintenance procedures

Pruning both young and older magnolia shrubs is not recommended. Only dried ends of shoots should be removed. Any more serious stem damage should be sealed with an emulsion containing 1% Topsin or protected with ready-made tree wound ointment.

How to protect magnolias during winter

Nie należy przekopywać ziemi wokół rośliny, natomiast korzystne jest ściółkowanie. Zabezpieczy to glebę przed wysychaniem oraz wahaniami temperatury. Krzewy magnoliowe wrażliwe są na przemarzanie szczególnie w pierwszych latach po posadzeniu – dlatego też bardzo istotną sprawą jest okrywanie ich na zimę. System korzeniowy okrywa się zawsze bez względu na wiek rośliny grubą 40 cm warstwą gałęzi drzew iglastych, lub 20 cm warstwą trocin czy kory. Koronę należy okryć przynajmniej przez pierwsze 2-3 zimy „chochołem” ze słomy. Nie wolno stosować do tego celu folii.

Fertilizing magnolias

You can fertilize magnolias from late March to mid-July, using multi-component fertilizers (e.g., Azofoska) and applying them 3-4 times every 2-3 weeks. You can also achieve satisfactory result using slow-release fertilizers (Osmocote, Substral), which only need to be applied once a year in spring, or organic fertilizers (fermented manure). It is important to ensure that the fertilizers do not contain calcium, which acidifies the soil. If you properly care for young magnolias, they bloom after 2-3 years, but some varieties may bloom as early as the first year after planting. You may also purchase older plants with flower buds.