We present our offer of Hellebores. Take a look and discover the magical charm of these plants. Check out their unique varieties currently available at Zymon Ornamental Shrubs Nursery.
Order now and enjoy the beauty and unique charm of Hellebores in your garden.
Check out our seasonal offer! Discover which plants grown in our nursery can already be planted in your garden to beautifully adorn it. Choose from the most beautiful varieties of flowering shrubs and ornamental plants that will enhance your surroundings and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Offer valid while supplies last.
Decide & choose
It is the queen of our gardens. Planted in sunny spots, on the lawn or on the south side of the house, in a sheltered and warm place, it will delight with the beauty of colorful flowers in early spring. We recommend to you a wide variety of magnolias, suitable for small backyard gardens, parks as well as other green areas. The beautiful, elegant magnolia is resistant to frost and can be successfully cultivated in our climate.
We present the offer of Red-barked Dogwoods. These are spreading shrubs growing up to 3m in height.
The young shoots are covered with characteristic red bark. The small, creamy flowers are gathered in flat inflorescences, attracting numerous pollinating insects during blooming.
Time for changes in your garden?
Check out the plants available in our store. You will find a variety of shrub, tree, and ornamental plant varieties that will inspire you to make changes and initiate a transformation in your garden.
What makes witch-hazels stand out and what defines their uniqueness?
They are deciduous shrubs growing up to 4 meters in height and the same in width. The beginning of flowering occurs, depending on the weather and variety, in mid-January and lasts until March.
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Foto relacja z Targów Gardenia, które odbyły sie 16-18 października 2024 roku w Poznaniu.
Foto relacja z Zielony Showroom, które odbyły sie 4-6 listopada 2024 roku.
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