The rhododendron prefers sheltered, protected locations because it is sensitive to the effects of dry, cold winds. It enjoys moist soil and similarly humid air, so it will thrive when planted near small ponds.
Rhododendrons do not tolerate heavy, constantly wet soils. For proper growth and abundant flowering, they require well-drained and humus-rich soils with a pH ranging from 4.0 to 4.5. Shrubs in containers should be planted in early May or late August in holes prepared beforehand filled with high peat mixed with ground bark and well-rotted manure or compost. After planting, the plant should be generously watered. Mulching the soil around the shrub with pine bark will ensure the plant's proper soil acidity, prevent it from drying out, and reduce weed growth.


Rhododendrons have shallow root systems and easily dry out; they are sensitive to drought. During dry periods, especially during the flowering season, proper watering is essential.

physiological drought

During snowless, cold winters, due to lack of water, rhododendrons can become dehydrated – their stems and buds dry out. To prevent this, it is advisable to water them generously in the autumn and cover the soil around the plant with a thick layer of mulch. On warm sunny days, when the temperature remains above 0°C, you can water the plants.


Rhododendrons require regular fertilization from May to August, which ensures vigorous growth and abundant flowering. You should use fertilizers designed for rhododendrons and azaleas, which helps maintain proper acidity of the soil. Improper fertilization and incorrect soil pH can result in chlorosis, manifested by yellowing of leaf blades.